Every business encircles the frame of tangible assests of the company activities in order to get a clear picture of the security risks they encounter and how to best deal with these threats.
After drawing the necessary and acceptable boundaries one must choose the various tools by means of which network security is achieved: firewalls and proxy servers, encryption, logical security and access controls, anti-virus software, and auditing systems such as log management, etc.
Firewalls are a very basic part of network security. Firewalls flow through a system trying to authenticate, monitor and report traffic.
The process of encryption involves encoding that is converting a simple text into a number of unreadable characters or codes. If the encrypted text is stolen in transit, the content is unreadable to the viewer. Logical security comprises software security measures for an organization’s systems, such as ID and password access, authentication, access rights and authority levels. These measures are to make sure that network or a workstation activities are performed by only authorized users.
This is a
network security audit that allows to audit and monitor remote network computers for possible vulnerabilities, checks your network for all potential methods that a hacker might use to attack it.
Nsauditor is a
Complete Networking Utilities Package that includes a wide range of tools for network security auditing, scanning, monitoring and more. The program includes more than 45 network tools for scanning, sniffing, enumerating and gaining access to machines and contains a built-in database of known network security vulnerabilities, which allows you to select the items for scanning and add custom entries.
Nsauditor can reveal and catalog a variety of information, including installed software, shares, users, drives, hotfixes, NetBios, RPC, SQL and SNMP information, open ports. Reports can be generated in HTML and XML format.